Human Transmembrane Receptor Protein Array

A unique and high throughput screening platform

Our scientists have extensive experience in immunology and immunotherapy including pioneering the development of a unique drug discovery and screening platform that feeds our product our pipeline.

The TopAlliance Drug Discovery platform encompasses approximately 5,000 full-length human cell membrane proteins based on their immune and hematopoietic cell surface expression patterns. Each cell gene was cloned into mammalian expression vectors and introduced into 293T cells. Using our extensive development capabilities, TopAlliance generates fusion proteins and antibodies to screen for novel or confirmatory interactions.

The platform has identified novel receptor-ligand pairings for known and unknown drug targets.

Platform Related Publications

B7-H2 is a costimulatory ligand for CD28 in human

Sheng Yao1Yuwen ZhuGefeng ZhuMathew AugustineLinghua ZhengDiana J GoodeMegan BroadwaterWilliam RuffSarah FliesHaiying XuDallas FliesLiqun LuoShengdian WangLieping Chen